Friday, July 24, 2009

Summer Fun

Summer is flying by so quickly. We are having a blast with Micah, watching him grow, develop an Ethiopian piece of strong will, and trying to walk! He continues to be very healthy and has two teeth to add to his personality. More are on the way, I've been reminded this week with his crankiness and constant drooling. His sleeping patterns are quite unpredictable, but other than that, he has developed his own little routine. He's finally gotten used to the car seat, especially if he has something to snack on! He spent several nights at Vacation Bible School with us and loved to dance and clap. He's got some rhythm, let me tell you!!

It's morning here and I'm listening to him babble those cute "I'm rested, fed and want to talk" sounds. I often think his arrival is still a dream and that this whole experience isn't real yet. I pray I will never let a day pass that I don't get on my knees to say thanks to Jesus for allowing us the unspeakable honor of being parents of all of our children. I love the Chris Tomlin song we sing at church that says, "How can I keep from singing your praise? I am loved by the King and it makes my heart want to sing!!"

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