Monday, June 7, 2010

Headed to Keve

I (Mary) just visited with Dennis on Yahoo! Messenger. Yahoo for real! It was so good to talk with him, sort of! They are doing well and got some much needed rest last night. They spent the day working with the local believers and teaching them how to conduct their own Bible teaching and Vacation Bible Schools. Dennis was able to interview pastors for his Doctoral project and he said it was well received. The weather is not too hot, but humid as always! They are headed to Keve tomorrow and will soon show The Jesus Film out in the village. They are anxious for the people to hear the Gospel in their own language on the "big screen"! Phillip, the cook, is taking care of them like always with a great, warm meal in the evenings. They take their own lunches during the day. Continue to pray for their strength and health! More later.


  1. Thank you for sharing! Tell Lary his family is praying for him & all the team and wish them well. I am printing out the blogs and taking them to mom so she can keep up. Thanks again!
